Dear Former Pupil:
We welcome you to The Belfast Royal Academy Old Boys’ Association.
The Association was founded in 1931 and has grown from strength to strength over the past 90 years. It currently enjoys a membership that is well over 1000.
The aim of the Association is to maintain links and develop existing relationships between fellow old boys, staff and governors, both in an academic and social sense. In an attempt to achieve these aims the Association is responsible for organising social and sporting events every year. These include:
Annual cricket match in June between an Old Boys’ XI and The School 1st XI
Annual Golf Competitions in June and September
Annual Dinner in November
Monthly Lunches
Quarterly Business Breakfasts
Dinners in London & Edinburgh
Money raised by the Old Boys’ Association is filtered back into the school to help with many projects including the refurbishment of the Library, School Orchestra and School Sports tours.
To join, either fill in the contact form below or email the Membership Secretary James Cole including your years of attendance at the school and a few details of your life today.