History of the London Dinner.
In his year as President (2013–14), David Haslett proposed a London Dinner for former pupils of the Academy living in England. The first dinner was held on February 28th 2014, in the Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, London. A total of seventy-two former pupils attended – a full house.
Following the success of this first dinner, the Old Boys’ Association organised four further dinners but moved venue to accommodate more attendees. The dinner was thereafter held in the RAF Club on Piccadilly which can accommodate up to 120 people in the Ballroom.
The dress code for the dinner is lounge suit and tie with the equivalent for ladies. [Guests are not invited to attend.] The dinner starts with drinks from 6.00pm with a three-course meal to follow at 7.00pm. Although not a “formal” event, it has been the policy to have a limited number of speeches at these dinners with a toast to the School given by one of the attendees followed by a short ‘state of the school’ speech from the Principal. The focus of the dinner is mainly social, so plenty of time is available before and after dinner for conversation with old and new friends.
The next London Dinner will be held in March 2025 (date to be confirmed) at the RAF Club on Piccadilly. We would encourage as many alumni as possible to make a date and join us.
Any former pupil wishing to attend this dinner should email Dr Louis Campbell
London Dinner Friday 8th March 2024 at the RAF Club Piccadilly
To paraphrase the Principal “Floreat Academia”

With thanks to Dr Louis Campbell for the photographs.